"The Power of Photograph" by Antony Funnel
>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010
This article talks about the power and ability of photos as it illustrates the history and war of Dubrovnik city back in the early 1990s. Many photos regarding wars and battles can be found in the War Photo Limited Gallery as the ‘former-warehouse-turned-gallery’ is devoted entirely to war photography which was taken many years back. This allows the photographer to follow a tale, take into further thought and closer to feel the lives of the people who are affected by war. This also allows tourists to get a better understanding about the emotions and feelings regarding people whom were involved in the war. At the same time, it also let the people to recall about what actually happened few years back to the beautiful city, Dubrovnik.
As we can see, the issues that can be found in this article are photojournalism, cultural context and meaning of the visuals. Every picture illustrate different story as pictures worth more than a thousand words.

(Source: Metrocollective.org)
In this article, Wade Goddard, the guardian of the War Photo Limited Gallery mentioned that the authenticities of feelings of the photographers are higher compare to newspaper editors or publishers because they were there at the exact location and time which let them experience the story; conversely, editors and publishers could not experience the genuine story as they only sits at their desks with their own political or ideological views regarding a story. In my opinion, they are too many fake newspaper articles nowadays as many journalists are the tools for the Government to avoid dramatic chaos. According to Seligman (2009, pp. 143), “newspaper journalists instead use simple language and didacticism instead of using slang and fake news, as they show credibility and useful services.” In spite of that, it is still fake news. In addition, fake news techniques exist to terrify and distract the public from other more important news (Kenterelidou, 2005). On the contrary, Loeffler (2004) explains that photographs are like trunks because many things can be kept and stored. Photographs illustrate information, details, memories, feelings, emotions, and meanings (Loeffler 2004). In general, “photographs can 'speak' for us when we cannot find the words,” said Loeffler (2004).

(Source: seayourhistory.org.uk)
In conclusion, photographs are the tool as an anchor for past memories. In addition, photographers used their artwork to deliver messages to the audience as photos are more attracting compared to words and texts. Therefore, pictures really worth more than a thousand words.
Photographs of War from the War Photo Limited Gallery Website

(Source: warphotoltd.com)
"Both Rahila's legs were broken during the quake. The earthquake struck in the middle of the school day, so there were many children among the dead and injured. There has since been strong criticism of the quality of the school buildings." - http://www.warphotoltd.com

(Source: warphotoltd.com)
"The execution of a civilian in Minutka Square on a cold, winter day. The severity of Russian bombardments made it too dangerous to venture outside to remove the corpses. They remained where they fell, strewn about the streets, gnawed by starving animals." - http://www.warphotoltd.com

(Source: warphotoltd.com)
"A young man lies on top of his brother's dead body after he was gunned down while exiting the wake of a friend who was murdered two days earlier. The murders took place in Zone 6 of Guatemala City. Guatemala is one of the most violent countries in the world. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, meanwhile, reported last year that Guatemala had the highest murder rate in all of Latin America, with 70 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the World Health Organization "World Report on Violence and Health", the average global homicide rate in 2000 was 8.8 per 100,000 population a year, and 19 per 100,000 in the Americas." - http://www.warphotoltd.com
Funnel, A 2007, “The power of the photograph,” ABC.net.au, viewed 15 June 2010,
< http://www.abc.net.au/rn/mediareport/stories/2007/2051819.htm>
Seligman, L 2009, “Quality Popular Newspaper,” Brazilian Journalism Research, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 141- 153.
Kenterelidou, C 2005, “Public Political Communication and Media,” Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Thessaloniki, pp. 1-23.
Loeffler, T.A 2004, “A picture is worth … capturing meaning and facilitating connections: Using outdoor education students' photographs,” Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, viewed 15 June 2010,
< http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_6931/is_2_8/ai_n28246087/>
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