( Source: Pundikitchen.com )
The term Blogosphere is used to describe the millions of interrelated blogs on the internet (Boswell n.d). The current Blogosphere is strong and only getting stronger every year. This is because Blogosphere is filled with various different growing groups such as Twitter which affects the Blogosphere. In addition, Blogosphere is getting stronger because blogs are now becoming the media and brands are used in the Blogosphere (Mc Lean 2009). Bloggers nowadays are mainly highly educated and wealthy group.
According to Sussman (2009), 25 percent worldwide are the European bloggers, 10 percent of bloggers are from Asia-Pacific and 48 percent are from United States. As a result, blogging is a trend in the United States as well as the concept of mainstream media. Furthermore, bloggers usually blog to share their expertise and experiences, and voicing their opinion on certain issue or some area of interest (Sussman 2009). Consequently, the audience could learn and gain knowledge about some subject from countries across the globe. Moreover, audience can also learn about the blogger’s experience of using a certain products or brands they love or hate. Plus, in US, some bloggers will blog about the financial crisis or the US Presidential election which can benefit the audience to again advance their knowledge about these issues (Sussman 2009).
Boswell, W n.d, “What is Blogosphere?”, About.com, viewed 11 April 2010,
McLean, J 2009, “State of Blogosphere 2009 Introduction”, Technorati.com, viewed 11 April 2010,
< http://technorati.com/blogging/article/state-of-the-blogosphere-2009-introduction/page-3/>
Sussman, M 2009, “The what and why of Blogging”, Technorati.com, viewed 11 April 2010,
< http://technorati.com/blogging/article/day-2-the-what-and-why2/page-2/>
Sussman, M 2009, “Twitter, Global Impact and the Future of Blogging”, Technorati.com, viewed 11 April 2010,
< http://technorati.com/blogging/article/day-5-twitter-global-impact-and/page-2/>
Sussman, M 2009, “Who are the Bloggers? Technorati.com, viewed 11 April 2010,
< http://technorati.com/blogging/article/day-1-who-are-the-bloggers1/page-1/>
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